We went to the Atlanta Braves vs. NY Mets opening weekend baseball game last saturday with some of the people in steves class and we had a blast! The only bad thing was that it was raining. All day long it rained pretty hard and so we were trying to decide if we wanted to make the 2 hour drive to Atlanta if the game was going to be cancelled but we went anyway. By the time we got there it was just drizzling so it wasnt too bad and our seats were at the top right under the cover so we actually lucked out and didnt get too wet.( good thing it was still warm) Dylan loved every minute of the game he was so happy the whole time. He loved cheering with everyone and he danced for just about every song that was played. He even got on the Big screen because of his Dancing. We had alot of fun and it was even a really good game(the Braves won) I was really glad that we ending up making the trip.