Wednesday, May 28, 2008

$ Whats the Cost $

So its been a year since I had a baby and today I am getting our very first babysitter, sad I know but I have no clue how much you pay them. way back when i was a kid(ha ha) I got 2 dollars and hour but its been a really long time so if anyone could help me out and give me a suggestion of what the going rate is for a babysitter the help would be much appreciated.


Jamie said...

This is so hard to know, because opinions vary so much. My sister-in-law in Utah does $1/child/hour (but I sometimes think she should pay more since her kids are a little wild). My neighbor who has a 13 year old daughter said no more than $1.50/hr/child. We actually do roughly $2/child/hour but give more or less depending on what their babysitting will entail (ie., making dinner, putting to bed, etc.) as well as if they go above and beyond (like doing the dishes from making dinner) or if they can drive themselves to our house. Basically it comes down to paying what you can afford and what you think is fair (and don't worry about not paying as much as others). Sorry for the long post. Good luck and enjoy your night out!

Morgan said...

We do about $5 an hour but will round it up to the nearest hour if we come home to a clean house (or at least as clean, if not cleaner than we left it) If it seems a little chaotic, then we round it down and it is usually only about $4 an hour.

I don't think my kids are handfuls but I want to pay well enough that the babysitter wants to come back and do a good job for me, so I tend to pay a little more.

Cooper Squared said...

We had a senior in high school babysit. Since she was a little older, we paid her $7 a hour. I remember by the time I was that age it was only worth it if I was making decent money. At this point, I feel better leaving Kelton with someone older, so I am willing to pay more money.
We also had a babysitting swap with a couple from church...that really worked out awesome.

Christine said...

We actually got our first real sitter at Christmas. We paid her $4.00 an hour for Aimee and Geoff and all she had to do was watch a movie with them and put them in bed. They had already eaten and were all ready for bed. We were going to do $3.00 an hour but then decided we wanted her to like us for paying her more than everyone else. :-)

McDonald Army Brats*** said...

I pay $5 an hour, but then I have four boys. If I come home to kids in bed, and a clean house then she gets a tip as well. :) but now we have our own BUILT IN babysitter...DEREK! Absolutely fabulous!