This morning we woke up to snow! It wasn't alot but we were still happy to see some 2 days before Christmas. As soon as Dylan saw it he went and got his shoes and his jacket and headed outside.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Dylan was not quite sure if he wanted to sit with Santa but I talked him into it and he was pretty excited about it while we were waiting for our turn. Once we got up to him things started to change........
Santa's not too bad
Gingerbread Train
This year we found a Gingerbread Train which is perfect because Dylan loves trains so much. We enjoyed putting it together and making a really big mess

It has been forever since I have updated but we have had alot going on the last 2 months in our family. First of all Steve got home the first week of November and we are so glad to have him back. I am horrible and did not get any pictures of our family at the airport, I was a little distracted and wasn't really thinking about giving the camera to someone else to take a picture of the three of us. Dylan has loved having Daddy around again and they are inseparable. We had about 2 weeks of Steve home and then we started getting ready to move, I was so sad to be leaving Utah and all of my family but it was so nice to be able to be around them this past year and have Dylan get to know them a little better. We had Thanksgiving with Steve's family and had way too much yummy food and good company. The next week we packed up and moved down to Arizona. We are still trying to settle in but we are liking it so far, especially the warmer weather! We are excited for our new adventure and we welcome any visitors that want to come.

The girls and Dylan waiting for Steve to get off the plane

waiting to help Uncle Steve with his bags
The girls and Dylan waiting for Steve to get off the plane
waiting to help Uncle Steve with his bags
Monday, November 2, 2009
Happy Halloween
This year was so much fun for me. I loved watching how excited Dylan got while Trick-or-treating, and watching him run from one house to the next as fast as his little legs could take him. he didn't want to stop but all the other kids were freezing so he gave up.
Checking out all the goodies
Friday, October 23, 2009
Pumpkin Patch
This past week we went out to the Pumpkin patch at the Big Red Barn. We got there right before the rush of people so we didn't have to wait in all the lines which is always nice with a 2 year old. We took a wagon ride out to the pumpkin patch and then walked around until we found the ones we liked and then rode the tractor back to the Barn. Both Dylan and Peyton were kicking a screaming when we told them it was time to go, it was fun while it lasted!

Dylan on the wagon ride, He thought it was really cool that a tractor was driving the wagon.

Dylan on the wagon ride, He thought it was really cool that a tractor was driving the wagon.
Brings back memories
On Sunday we went to my parents house and they had just bought a new Microwave and Dylan found the box and was playing in it. My dad thought of this really great idea of pushing Dylan down the stairs in it( I have to admit when he did it the first time I screamed, i think it scared me more than it did him) I know I did it as a kid but its different seeing your child doing it. Needless to say he loved it and just wanted to do it again and again.

I think he's enjoying it!

this one was taken right before he flew right over the top of me, I'm pretty sure thats why his eyes are closed.
I think he's enjoying it!
this one was taken right before he flew right over the top of me, I'm pretty sure thats why his eyes are closed.
Monday, September 28, 2009
My new Friend

So this Guy has been on my front porch for months now and I finally got the guts( ok not really me, I have not guts but my brother in law has some and he got it for me) to catch it. I swear it has gotten bigger since the last time I saw him. I am totally disgusted and I get the heeby-geebys every time I look at the pictures. I made my brother in law take it home with him, there was no way I was keeping that thing in my house. Does anyone know what kind of spider this is?
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Helicopter Ride!
They were giving Helicopter rides During Labor Day and Grandpa Robbie was nice enough to take Dylan and I to go ride it. Dylan was so excited and couldn't hardly wait, the hardest part was the hour wait for his turn but he was so good.

While we waited for our turn the Pilot let us sit in the smaller helicopter and take some pictures, Dylan was so proud and had the biggest grin on his face the whole time!

Buckling up for the ride
While we waited for our turn the Pilot let us sit in the smaller helicopter and take some pictures, Dylan was so proud and had the biggest grin on his face the whole time!
Buckling up for the ride
Labor Day Weekend
Monday, August 24, 2009
Wake Up!
yesterday morning I was laying in bed trying really hard to sleep in as long as possible, but Hudson needed to go outside. So he went into the kitchen to ring his bell( we have a bell on the back door and he rings it when he needs/wants to go outside) so he rang it a few times and I tried to ignore it because I was not ready to get out of bed and from the other room I hear Dylan ( who still sleeps in a crib) yelling" MOM, LET HUDSON OUTSIDE" I started laughing so hard, after that I had to get up, I didn't want to get in trouble again! I cant wait for the day when Dylan can let Hudson out himself! It was just one of the funniest things I have heard from Dylan ( which there have been alot) I couldnt resist sharing it.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
4th of July
We did a little Fishing with Dad while he was here. Dylan couldnt wait for Dad to catch a fish but as soon as he caught one Dylan starting crying( he was a little scared of it) and once it stopped flipping around he kept asking for Daddy to catch more, it will come in time!
We did a little camping!Even though it rained on us 90% of the time Dylan loved every minute of it. I cant wait until we get to do it again!
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